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Creating a need for you product

By Jason St Clair
a 3minute read

When I was 18 years of age I was lucky enough to get my drivers license and my very first car. A car that I paid with my very own money working a minimum wage job. It wasn’t the prettiest car on the road but it was mine. Being that I earned that car with my own sweat and tears I wanted to take care of it. Other than changing the oil I knew there was one thing that must be done in order to make sure that my vehicle was driving optimally, that was a change of the spark plugs. I know you more savvy vehicle experts would suggest tires, fluids, timing etc. However, the reason why I wanted to change my spark plugs so badly was because of the relentless marketing on television at the time about how important having high performance spark plugs in your vehicle was. At the time it was an outright war of which spark plugs you should have in your vehicle. There was commercial after commercial on the television, there were ads throughout the stores. Spark plugs were everywhere! Of course I ended up over paying for a sweet brand to put in my very used and slightly clapped out vehicle, the most expensive option mind you! Looking back of course I really didn’t need those, when my father helped me swap out the old ones that were there, they were perfectly fine. 

The reason why I shared this story is because it’s a great example of creating a need for people for your product when there really isn’t one. In this case it was a dire need for me! Well, I was convinced that it was. 

Branding and marketing in this style is very expensive, however it was extremely effective! The companies did a great job of storytelling their product and telling us why we had a problem with our current spark plugs and giving us a solution to that problem. The main pain that new spark plugs could solve is better performance and better fuel efficiency and without those new plugs you're just throwing your money away every second you're driving the vehicle. Therefore, to further break down their tactic. 

Problem: Vehicle is not performing well, losing money and hurting vehicle

Solution: Buy our spark plugs!

Results: Better performance and gas mileage. Thank goodness the company told me I needed this!!

Can you think of other companies that are great at creating a need for a product when there was none? One company that really stands out for me are the infomercial marketing companies. How many dollars do you think they have us spend a year on random stuff we didn’t know we needed? Sweet indestructible knives, tape that bonds to everything for apparently eternity, kitchen utensils that will save time, candles that will save your sanity. The list goes on and on. 

However, remember if you're going to bring a product to the market that no one has heard little of, be prepared to spend big bucks!! 

-Jason St Clair

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